Quality Crane Mats – the key to safe high-rise construction

Quality Crane Mats, What is Required?

Any building site brings health and safety hazards but working with taller constructions has its own unique challenges. Large-scale lifting without effective load bearing crane mat support is a disaster waiting to happen. Crane safety is one of the most crucial elements to get right on a high-rise development and it all starts with creating a solid foundation. For that, you need the right crane mats.

Crane Mat Bases

Creating a safe and stable base on which to operate is essential. Crane mats, also known as piling rig mats or crane pads, are needed to spread the load evenly and stabilise the crane on what is often uneven or unstable ground. Manufactured from premium grade European and tropical hardwoods with high load-bearing capabilities, heavy-duty crane mats are the bedrock of any high-rise project.

How do I know which crane mats to use?

At GJ Mats we know that finding the right crane mats for your project is critical. With a variety of size and materials to choose from, you need to make sure you make the correct call when it comes to the dimensions and load capabilities of your crane pads. It all depends on the size and weight of the crane you’re using, the unique ground conditions on the construction site itself and the types of loads that need to be lifted.

Our bog mat and crane mat experts have years of experience in assessing your individual requirements. Having been involved in supplying crane mats for large projects undertaken by customers such as Network Rail, we have the know-how to ensure you use the most appropriate crane pads for your project. Only with the right crane mats put in place in the correct way, can you rest assured that you’ve fulfilled your Health & Safety responsibilities in creating a safe foundation for your crane operations.

What’s the most cost-effective option – buying or hiring crane mats?

A G J Bog Mats we like to be flexible in the services we offer our customers, so our bog mats and crane mats are available for sale or hire, depending on which is the most cost-effective option for your project. We can also buy back bog mats and crane pads once you have finished with them and offer a comprehensive lay-down service too. Whatever your crane mat requirements, we’re always happy to discuss the options with you, give you expert advice and help you find the best deal for your circumstances.

Bog Mats Protecting the Railways

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Expanding the GJ Mats Fleet

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Bog Mats and Historic M25 Closure

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Demolition Heroes: GJ Mats’ Role in the M25 Jct 10 Scheme

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Protect your pipeline with quality cover slabs

Protect your pipeline with quality cover slabs

Using the right pipeline protection is crucial for safeguarding underground services. The pipelines under our feet keep the country going. Water, electricity and gas supplies rely on this network – any damage from rogue excavations or heavy use of the ground above can compromise their integrity.

Although pipelines should be demarcated, there’s always the potential for someone to make a mistake and dig in the wrong place. Third party damage to underground pipelines puts workers at risk, disrupts services, affects the environment and can cost inordinate amounts of money to repair. Covering a pipeline with high-quality protection slabs means any threat from above is minimised and that rogue excavator hits the concrete, not the pipe.

Why choose concrete pipeline protection?

Pipeline installation is governed by the Pipeline Safety Regulations 1996 (PSR 1996) which requires operators to reduce the potential for damage to occur. That’s where GJ Bog Mats’ concrete pipeline cover slabs come into their own.

Individual jobs all have their unique requirements and we pride ourselves in being able to provide pipeline protection slabs in a variety of sizes and thicknesses to suit a range of applications. Whether you want to prevent an errant digger from tearing through your water mains or reduce the risk of heavy vehicles above disturbing the earth enough to cause stress and damage to the pipeline, our slabs will provide the right protection. Our flexible service means we can even tailor the slabs to meet your requirements where the job demands it.

Robust and reliable, our pipeline protection cover slabs are made from high-quality concrete. As this means weight and manoeuvrability are factors to consider, they can be made easier to install and remove with the incorporation of lifting sockets and lifting loops where needed. Of course, when installing pipelines and protection slabs, you’ll also need reliable bog mats for your crew to work on and to keep things accessible. We have an extensive range of timber mats for sale or hire and can advise you on the best ones for both your project and your budget.

Contact GJ Bog Mats for expert advice on pipeline protection

If you’d like to know more about how GJ Bog Mats can help you with pipeline protection, you can get in touch with our experienced team via our online contact form, send us an email or give us a call on 07896 265 981 or 0800 7747751. We’re always happy to advise our customers and work hard to give you the most suitable, high-quality cover slabs for the best price.


Avoid that sinking feeling with quality bog mats

Bog mats are a valuable piece of equipment in many environments but are nothing less than essential when operating in boggy moorland terrain.

Although many marshy, bog areas are protected sites, they still need to be worked and accessed. But water-logged peat bogs and moorland present unique challenges. The mossy ground traps water like a sponge, which makes the surface far more unstable than other types of terrain. Without ensuring you have the firm base of a bog mat for workers and machinery to operate on, getting the job done safely is almost impossible.

Keep employees and equipment safe with the right timber mats

It might be tempting to think you can do the job quickly enough to be in and out in no time. But skimp on the bog mats and you could be in trouble, putting your precious workforce or expensive equipment at risk of sinking into the ground.

Anyone who’s ever tried to winch an expensive and indispensable vehicle or piece of equipment out of the mud knows how tough it is. Anyone who’s ever extracted anything from a bog will tell you it’s 10 times harder! As well as the difficulty factor, the ruined gear, health and safety risks and knock-on effect on your project’s schedule can all have far-reaching consequences.

The irony is that if you get stuck in a marshy bog, you’ll probably need to get a timber mat involved to get you back out if it anyway. By using them from the start of your project, you can save yourself a lot of time, energy and money in the long run. Using timber mats makes financial and practical sense. And with many of our moorland and peat bog landscapes being conservation areas, it offers reliable ground protection for this fragile environment too.

Should I buy or hire bog mats?

For larger companies, or those who regularly operate in this kind of terrain, buying timber mats might be the more cost-effective option in the long term. For smaller operators, or those who have occasional or one-off projects to complete, hiring bog mats may be more economical. At GJ Bog Mats we have a wide range of European and Tropical hardwood timber mats available for sale or hire. We also offer a buy-back scheme.

Don’t know which bog mats you need? Just ask us!

Whatever your needs, our experienced team can advise you on which of our bog and crane mats suit your requirements and which sale or hire options would be the best value for money for your business. We also offer a comprehensive bog mat service in conjunction with our sister company. This includes delivery, off-loading, installing & uplifting across the UK.

To find out more about how GJ Bog Mats can help with your project, get in touch with our team.

European Hardwood Bog Mats

European Hardwood Mats

GJ Bog Mats use high quality, hard wearing, durable Oak and Beech for their European hardwood bog mats. They can tolerate repeated use and provide the ideal protective material for temporary roadways causing minimal disturbance to the ground.

European hardwood mats made of Oak

European Oak otherwise known as Quercus petrea, Quercus robur or European White Oak is one of Europe’s dominant broad leaf species. They grow to a lofty 20-30 metres high and achieve a diameter of 40-80 centimetres. The timber is straight grained, hard, heavy and robust.

The Science:

Physical characteristics

Density (at 12 % moisture content)    702 kg⁄m3

Total longitudinal shrinkage   0.4 %

Total radial shrinkage  4.3 %

Total tangential shrinkage       8.9 %

Equilibrium moisture content

(20° C⁄ 37 % rel. humidity)     8.9 %

(20° C⁄ 83 % rel. humidity)     17.2 %


Mechanical characteristics

Modulus of elasticity under bending  13000 N⁄mm2

Modulus of rupture under bending     88 N⁄mm2

Tension strength          90 N⁄mm2

Compression strength 61 N⁄mm2

Brinell hardness perpendicular to the fibres   34 N⁄mm2

Janka Hardness           4.5 kN

Nail withdrawal strength in N per mm depth and mm diameter        17 N⁄mm2

European hardwood mats made of Beech

European Beech otherwise known as Fagus sylvatica, grows in the west at altitudes of up to 1500 metres. They reach a height of 35 metres and achieve diameters between 40 and 90 centimetres. The timber is finely textured, heavy and exceedingly strong.

Read the scientific evidence:

Physical characteristics

Density (at 12 % moisture content)    712 kg⁄m3

Total longitudinal shrinkage   0.3 %

Total radial shrinkage  5.8 %

Total tangential shrinkage       11.8 %

Equilibrium moisture content

(20° C⁄ 37 % rel. humidity)     7.3 %

(20° C⁄ 83 % rel. humidity)     15.7 %


Mechanical characteristics

Modulus of elasticity under bending  16000 N⁄mm2

Modulus of rupture under bending     123 N⁄mm2

Tension strength          135 N⁄mm2

Compression strength 62 N⁄mm2

Brinell hardness perpendicular to the fibres   34 N⁄mm2

Janka Hardness           6.7 kN

Nail withdrawal strength in N per mm depth and mm diameter        18 N⁄mm2

Talk to the experts about our European Hardwood Mats

GJ Bog Mats will discuss your project requirements and happily advise you, supply and deliver certified or non certified European hard wood mats and can include a professional laying down service. Phone now on 07896 265 981 or 0800 774 7751. Tropical hardwood mats are available for hire or for sale too.

Grass Protection Mats

Use G J Grass Protection Mats and you can stay on the grass.

That’s right – with our grass protection mats, you can keep ON the grass!

No need to worry about soft, vulnerable or uneven ground. Whether you are in a meadow, a field, park land or environmentally sensitive terrain, grass protection mats will save the day – and the grass.

Robust, high density grass protection mats can be supplied for safeguarding against heavy vehicles, machinery, wheelchairs, trolleys, heavy footfall by people or animals and more. They are available short-term or for long periods.

An experienced CSCS (Construction Skills Certification Scheme) accredited team will visit your site, make an assessment and recommend exactly what you need. When you are satisfied, they will deliver, offload and install suitable grass protection mats. They provide an efficient packing up service, too.

Grass protection mats are typically used for large events such as festivals, agricultural shows, equestrian spectacles, expositions and exhibitions. They are useful for sensitive construction sites, gateways, sports parks, playgrounds, golf courses and stables too. The mats are suitable for uneven ground and allow for drainage (SUD’s Compliant, Sustainable Urban Drainage System, when necessary). One customer commented,

“5 weeks on you can hardly see it as the grass grows through it”

The best bit? Once your event is over and packed up, nobody will know you were ever there.

Mud glorious mud. Or is it?

Take Glastonbury for example.

We have all seen the incredible mud – Glastonbury is famous for it. This outstanding annual music festival is set on a Somerset farm, spread out over a number of fields. Is it surprising that when hundreds of thousands of people all turn up at the same time and spend endless rainy days on soggy farmland, the result will be one gigantic mud bath? If only they had called in GJ Grass Protection Mats.

Ahoy there!

Then there is the annual Beaulieu Boat Jumble. A proper salty affair set in the heart of the New Forest. Boat lovers from all over the country and many from overseas descend on the beautiful ancestral home of the late Lord Montagu of Beaulieu. They are all attracted by boats, bits of boats and boating paraphernalia. They run an excellent pick-up and drop-off service from the car park. You can spend a few hours buying, then jump on the back of a truck, take all of your purchases back to your car and start all over again. Grass Protection Mats are a God send for such events.

The Royal Welsh Show

Every year hundreds of thousands of people and animals tread the Royal Welsh Show ground. Cars and farm machinery of every description are manoeuvred around the fields. Fortunately, it is a purpose built show ground with roadways and footpaths. Other agricultural shows held all around the country don’t have such luxury and convenience. Another job for GJ Grass Protection Mats!

If you have an event planned call for GJ Grass Protection Mats now for advice and safeguarding you can rely on. Phone 07896 265 981 or 0800 7747751.

Bond? No Bog Mats

You might not associate the glamorous and exciting world of 007 with the provision of top quality timber mats, crane mats, tropical hardwood mats and oak mats to the construction and civil engineering industries, but think again. With Spectre, the long awaited new Bond film, released later this month, we thought it was about time we shared some of the similarities between Bond – and Bog mats.

International heroes! It is of course a given that James Bond will fly off at a moment’s notice to locations you might never have dreamed of, to save the world. Here at GJ Bog Mats, we have built up a strong reputation for doing exactly the same – not perhaps for maintaining world peace and keeping the terrorists at bay, but providing top quality timber mats and crane mats to customers internationally. We have supplied bog mats to projects most recently in the Falkland Islands and Oman.

Exceptional performance in extreme environments! Whether at home or abroad, 007 always comes good under extreme pressure and in extreme environments. Working in the desert and on the edge of Antarctica have presented our bog mats with very different challenges, and they have performed magnificently. ‘M’ would have been proud…

Versatility a given Just as James Bond can adapt to any situation, be it a casino in Montenegro, chasing villains through railway tunnels or battling evil in space, he is undoubtedly fit for purpose. Our bog mats are suitable for any situation – be it providing temporary roadways, crane mats to support cranes during lifting, protecting sites of special scientific interest during projects, or keeping the feet of thousands of festival goers out of the mud. And our bog mats don’t need smart suits or pens that shoot poison darts (although if anyone’s offering, we wouldn’t say no!) just our expertise, efficient delivery and lay down provided by our CSCS accredited workforce.

Fit for purpose From our European oak mats and beech mats, our tropical hardwood mats and top of the range Emtek mats, we have the bog mats and crane mats suitable for your project. Fit for purpose and ready to go – license to kill not required!

Ready to go We may not be at the beck and call of MI6 just yet, but with stocks of our bog mats stored at ports across the UK, we’re ready to go at a moment’s notice, whether you are looking to hire or buy bog mats for your project.

So while James Bond embarks on his next adventure later this month, yet again testing his credentials as an international agent against the latest adversity, we’ll be providing our expertise and our top quality bog mats to projects at home and abroad. Watch this space for more news – and if you’d like to find out more about our bog mats and how we can help your project, why not get in touch?

Supplying Bog Mats to Oman – Understanding Sand.

Bogmats are not just for mud

Based here in South Wales, you’d be forgiven for thinking that all our work is UK based. In fact, GJ Bogmats has a thriving export section. We are able to provide our bog mats and crane mats internationally, and have been involved in a couple of major projects abroad.

Working in the desert in Oman presented our team with particular challenges from the point of view of climate and the geography – very different from the green valleys of home… We are supplying 10,000 timber pipeline skids to a gas pipeline project, a very prestigious contract to be involved with. The pipeline skids are used to support the pipeline during installation and then during operation – yet another use for timber mats, and in this case, vitally important to ensure the successful supply of gas.

Not all sand is the same

One thing we have learned as a result of our involvement in this project is that not all sand is the same. We thought we’d share 10 surprising facts that we’ve discovered about sand which you might be interested in.

  • The composition of mineral sand is highly variable, depending on the local rock sources and conditions. Sand also comes in a wide variety of colours – from the bright white sands of New Mexico to the black sands rich in magnetite found in volcanic areas such as the Canary Islands
  • Sand is defined by size, being finer than graveland coarser than silt
  • the most common constituent of sand silica- usually in the form of quartz, followed by calcium carbonate,
  • Calcium carbonate based sand is mostly created by various forms of life, likecoral and The process takes millions of years.
  • Not all sand is suitable for construction, and the increased demand for sand resources due to an increase globally in the need for more building has led to ‘sand wars’ and the attendant ecological and economic impact of natural resources running low.
  • Sand is the principal component in common glass
  • Sand used to be used as a thermal weapon – heated and poured on invading troops who dared to storm castles in the classical and medieval periods.
  • Some animals don’t have a proper skeleton of their own so they incorporate sand for structural strength
  • Sand can sing – get the conditions right, and sand of a certain size will produce a soundfrequency close to 450
  • Quicksand is a colloid hydrogel formed from sand and salt water in areas of high pore water pressure. People and animals caught in quicksand often find it almost impossible to escape from unaided.

Despite the challenges of working in desert conditions, we are delighted to be involved in this international project. Our logistics operation has meant smooth delivery, and the mats have stood up to the challenge of the tough environment. We are looking forward to working on similar projects where our experience we’ve gained of working with sand give us the advantage!

If you’d like to talk to us about our bog mats – whether you need them for an Omani desert or something a little closer to home, get in touch with us here at GJ Bogmats – we’re here to help.

Pipelines & Penguins – GJ Mats in the Falkland Islands

Last month we were talking about the challenges of working in the heat of the desert. By way of contrast, this month, we’re quite literally at the other end of the earth, in the Falkland Islands. The British military maintain a presence on the Falkland Islands and GJ Bog Mats are involved in a project supplying diesel pipelines, bog mats and concrete sections for the Ministry of Defence.

Local wildlife and logistics make this project interesting!

Just as the contract to supply pipeline skids in Oman presented us with issues of heat and sand, the Falklands has its own extremes of climate and terrain to contend with – not to mention the local wildlife! We have worked closely with this prestigious customer to match their needs and requirements with the right products and service. Even the logistics of reaching the Falklands are tricky, requiring complex freight organisation – not to mention onward transportation: of the 4,700 square miles that make up the archipelago, there’s less than 1,000km of road – much of which is little more than dirt track.

The terrain itself in the Falkland Islands is fairly rough, the weather wild – hardly ideal conditions to be working in. However, this is just the kind of environment where out bog mats and timber mats are essential on a project, providing a stable footing for the pipeline and associated works. And while, of course, the pipelines continue to take precedence as we work with the Ministry of Defence, as it’s nearly Christmas, it would only be appropriate to share something else about the Falkland Islands: Penguins!!

Penguins – and no snow!

The Falklands is more rainy than snowy, and yet despite images of penguins in the white wonderlands of the Arctic and Antarctic, the Falklands plays host to as many as a million penguins from 5 of the 17 species, and the largest population of Gentoo penguins in the world. We’d love to tell you about pipelines and timber mats, but we reckon you’re more interested in the penguins, so here are 5 things we’ve learned about the Falkland Islands’ penguin populations:

  1. The Emperor penguin is the tallest and heaviest of the penguin species and can grow up to 122cm tall!
  2. Rockhopper penguins often burst from the water near shore and land on rocks with a belly flop.
  3. There is a species of penguin called the Macaroni penguin. Contrary to what you might have thought, it eats small fish and squid – just like other penguins. No record of whether it likes pasta.
  4. The different breeds of penguin have distinctive features that helps tell them apart – from the busy yellow tufts of the rock hopper to the white ‘bar’ across the top of the Gentoo penguin head.
  5. Both Rockhopper penguins and Emperor penguins ‘featured’ in the animated ‘Happy Feet’ film, along with Adelie penguins (not native to the Falklands) which featured in the 2014 John Lewis Christmas Ad ‘Monty the Penguin’.

So there you have it – pipelines and penguins. We at GJ Mats are proud to be involved in such a challenging project as this one and we’d be pleased to discuss your next project with you – penguins are optional!

Crane mats keep your lifting operations safe!

Using crane mats or crane pads will help ensure a safe system of work on your construction project where lifting equipment is involved.

A construction site can be a dangerous place – vehicles, equipment, unstable ground, uneven surfaces all conspire to make accidents a very real possibility. As any responsible contractor knows, health & safety of both workforce and public is of paramount concern. In our latest blog, we look at how crane mats and crane pads can make a difference to your lifting operations.

When lifting equipment is involved, the stability of the crane is fundamental: crane mats or crane pads to support outriggers will be indispensable. Unstable or uneven ground means that lifting equipment will not have a sufficiently strong foundation for lifting operations to commence. And yet, it seems that many contractors do take the decision to proceed without crane mats or crane pads, leaving outriggers unsecured and cranes or other heavy lifting equipment prone to accidents.

You only need to look at websites such as craneaccidents.com to see the damage that can happen if a crane is set up on soft ground with insufficient support. Crane mats can also help where outriggers are to be positioned on surfaces of different levels. Closer to home than some of the accidents reported on craneaccidents.com, Vertikal.net has reported on ‘death wish’ scenarios at the Trafford Centre in Manchester where a self-drive truck mounted lift was spotted on at least 2 occasions not so long ago being used without crane pads to support unevenly placed outriggers (on one side, the outriggers were on the pavement, the other the road).

The Health & Safety Executive has issued some helpful guidance covering the use of cranes and how to assess and ensure safety of lifting operations. Careful planning will reduce the chance of accidents – and should the worst happen, you will be able to show that you did all that you could have done to prevent accidents by creating a safe system of work. Construction site preparation is a vital element of this – and the proper use of crane mats and crane pads is key.

Crane mats can provide the stability your equipment needs to ensure this part of your operation is safe. Premium crane mats manufactured from top grade timber will enable large scale lifting for heavy loads while providing the support your lifting equipment needs. It is vital to assess ground conditions and the loads to be lifted as well as taking into account the type of crane – or cranes – involved with the project you are working on before sourcing your crane mats. Once these factors have been taken into account, you can work with your crane mat supplier to identify the appropriate crane mats for the job.

We supply a wide range of crane mats to accommodate most scenarios. Available on a hire basis for the life of your project, or to buy, we can also ‘buy back’ crane mats at the end of the project if this is a more cost effective solution for you. Get in touch to see how we can fulfill your crane mat requirements!

Should I Buy or Hire Bog Mats for my next project?

Should I Buy or Hire Bog Mats for my next project?

New to bogmats and wondering whether to invest? Been using timber mats for some time, hiring every time you need them? In this blog we look at the pros and cons of buying vs. hiring timber mats, to help you make the right choice.

As the leading wholesale supplier of bogmats in the UK, one of the questions we regularly discuss with our customers is whether buying bogmats or hiring offers the best value for money. It’s probably something you are considering too, if you are embarking on your first project which requires bogmats to create a stable platform or temporary roadway for heavy equipment or vehicles. As ever, with these questions there is no straightforward answer and much will depend on the kind of operation you are involved with, and the projects you work on.

Buying Bogmats – what you need to know

As with any specialist equipment, buying timber mats for use on all your projects represents a longer term solution than hiring mats either for a period of time or for a specific project. If you have a regular requirement for bogmats, crane mats or other temporary ground protection, you will find that the cost of hiring mats soon accumulates to the point where you will spend more on the hire costs than you would have done to buy them outright.

Provided you have adequate storage facilities to accommodate your timber mats when they are not in use, buying mats represents significant value for money. You also eliminate the uncertainty that might arise should the company you are hiring from fall into difficulties.

Hiring Bogmats – what you need to know

If you only need timber mats for a one off project, or it would be difficult to store mats that you have purchased, hiring may be the right option for your business.

Hiring helps spread the cost of the timber mats you need for your project. If you are working nationally, you may be able to agree a contract that covers your UK-wide timber mat needs at a standardised price, removing regional fluctuations and uncertainty. This is an option for some of our bigger clients with operations across the UK

If you aren’t sure about making the investment of buying timber mats straight away, hiring what you need is a good way of testing out and appreciating what having your own ‘in house’ stock could do for your business, without the initial commitment.

Check for ‘buy back’ options

If you can’t decide whether to buy or hire bogmats, then choose a company that offers a ‘buy back’ service. The principle is simple: you buy the bogmats you need for your project, and when you are finished with them, you sell them back to the company who sold them to you in the first place. A ‘buy back’ option offers the best of the both worlds, It’s an advantage to have a fixed price, with the certainty that if the project overruns and you need the bogmats for longer than initially anticipated, there will be no additional costs linked to hiring the mats for longer. If you are moving on to a new project which also requires the use of timber mats, you have them available. If you have no further use for bogmats, you sell them back, meaning no need to either find storage space, and no hassle finding a buyer.

Here at GJ Bogmats we are pleased to discuss whether buying or hiring our bogmats would offer your business better value for money. We also offer a bogmat buy back service, which gives you the certainty and peace of mind that comes with buying bogmats, with the security of being able to sell them back to us at the end of your project. With stocks of timber mats suitable for a wide variety of applications in stock, we are strategically placed to be able to supply your needs at very short notice (even immediately) should it be needed. Call our team today on 0800 774 7751 and find out what will work best for you!