You might not associate the glamorous and exciting world of 007 with the provision of top quality timber mats, crane mats, tropical hardwood mats and oak mats to the construction and civil engineering industries, but think again. With Spectre, the long awaited new Bond film, released later this month, we thought it was about time we shared some of the similarities between Bond – and Bog mats.

International heroes! It is of course a given that James Bond will fly off at a moment’s notice to locations you might never have dreamed of, to save the world. Here at GJ Bog Mats, we have built up a strong reputation for doing exactly the same – not perhaps for maintaining world peace and keeping the terrorists at bay, but providing top quality timber mats and crane mats to customers internationally. We have supplied bog mats to projects most recently in the Falkland Islands and Oman.

Exceptional performance in extreme environments! Whether at home or abroad, 007 always comes good under extreme pressure and in extreme environments. Working in the desert and on the edge of Antarctica have presented our bog mats with very different challenges, and they have performed magnificently. ‘M’ would have been proud…

Versatility a given Just as James Bond can adapt to any situation, be it a casino in Montenegro, chasing villains through railway tunnels or battling evil in space, he is undoubtedly fit for purpose. Our bog mats are suitable for any situation – be it providing temporary roadways, crane mats to support cranes during lifting, protecting sites of special scientific interest during projects, or keeping the feet of thousands of festival goers out of the mud. And our bog mats don’t need smart suits or pens that shoot poison darts (although if anyone’s offering, we wouldn’t say no!) just our expertise, efficient delivery and lay down provided by our CSCS accredited workforce.

Fit for purpose From our European oak mats and beech mats, our tropical hardwood mats and top of the range Emtek mats, we have the bog mats and crane mats suitable for your project. Fit for purpose and ready to go – license to kill not required!

Ready to go We may not be at the beck and call of MI6 just yet, but with stocks of our bog mats stored at ports across the UK, we’re ready to go at a moment’s notice, whether you are looking to hire or buy bog mats for your project.

So while James Bond embarks on his next adventure later this month, yet again testing his credentials as an international agent against the latest adversity, we’ll be providing our expertise and our top quality bog mats to projects at home and abroad. Watch this space for more news – and if you’d like to find out more about our bog mats and how we can help your project, why not get in touch?