Temporary Access Mats facilitate Wind Farm Access – in Turkey

After a successful project supplying temporary access roadways to a wind farm in Cumbria, GJ Bogmats is delighted to announce that we have been asked to provide our mats to a similar wind farm project -in Turkey!

Controversial they may be, but love them or loathe them, wind farms are an increasing feature of our landscape – and in the search for more sustainable energy, solutions to the global energy crisis that we’re facing, it looks like they are here to stay. One of the key features of wind farms is their location: usually found in remote, hard to access areas. These areas where wind farms are located are often also stunningly beautiful landscapes that need to be protected: exposed moorlands, hill tops and similar.

Remote locations mean creative solutions

The very remoteness of their location means that getting to windfarms can be problematic. Unlikely to be next to an established road network, access solutions are an important consideration for the lifetime of a windfarm – not only for the initial construction phase but for ongoing maintenance.

Bogmats provide a comprehensive and creative solution to the question of temporary access for windfarms, and we recently supplied our mats to a windfarm in Cumbria, facilitating access in a remote area to protect the underlying terrain while providing a safe, secure surface for vehicles to us. Indeed, the project was so successful, and the client so impressed with the quality of our bogmats and the service we provided, that we have been asked to repeat the service at a new windfarm site in Turkey.

International bogmat import & export available

We’re well placed to supply bogmats overseas, with relationships with some of the largest logistics lines allowing us to offer an efficient, reliable export service internationally – we’ve worked as far afield as Oman and the Falkland Islands in recent months delivering pipeline protection mats to support projects in varied terrains.

Our high quality bog mats are the perfect solution to create temporary access over remote, environmentally sensitive terrain, avoiding the need for digging out track ways yet at the same time providing a strong, stable platform for lorries and heavy equipment. Talk to us about how we can help your project.

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