Unsung Heroes of Infrastructure .. Protecting the M25
GJ Mats’ Bogmats Role in the M25 Jct 10 Scheme
Bogmats were crucial for the M25 Bridge Demolition. This past weekend marked a significant milestone in the M25 Jct 10 improvement scheme, but it wasn’t just about construction. It was about making way for progress with precision, safety, and efficiency. We’re proud to spotlight GJ Mats’ critical role in this endeavour as we supplied the essential Ekki bog mats for the operation.
The Demolition Operation
As the A3 south of the M25 was closed, a crucial operation took place – the demolition of the reinforced concrete Wisley footbridge and the post-tensioned Cockcrow footbridge. Thanks to the meticulous planning and execution by Clarke Demolition and the protective foundation provided by GJ Mats’ ekki bog mats, the project was carried out flawlessly throughout the night. This preparation ensured the road surface was shielded, allowing for the safe and effective demolition of the bridges.
Client Collaboration
The operation was not just a demonstration of demolition expertise but also a testament to the seamless collaboration between GJ Mats and our partners, including Balfour Beatty Atkins, Chevron, Saferoad, Highway Care, and Clarke Demolition. Our ekki bog mats were at the forefront, ensuring the preservation of the road surface during this intricate process, and showcasing our commitment to providing durable and reliable solutions for critical infrastructure projects.
What’s Next?
Looking ahead, we’re gearing up for an unprecedented mid-March weekend closure of the M25 between junctions 10 and 11. This isn’t just another demolition; we’re also preparing to erect the heaviest gantry yet across the M25 – a monumental structure weighing 128 tonnes and spanning 60 meters. GJ Mats is ready to support this next phase with our high-quality ekki bog mats, ensuring the safety and efficiency of this massive undertaking.
We extend our gratitude to our delivery partner, caterers, and everyone involved in making the weekend’s work a resounding success. As we move forward with the M25 Jct 10 scheme, GJ Mats remains committed to excellence, safety, and innovation in supporting the UK’s infrastructure projects.
#GJMats #InfrastructureExcellence #M25Jct10 #EkkiBogMats #BridgeDemolition #CivilEngineering #SustainableSolutions #UKInfrastructure
Our Managing Director Gareth Jones posted about it on Linked In here

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